Johnson City Staff-News from Johnson City, Tennessee (2025)

i I Page 4 JOIINSON.CITY RCM 20, 1930 1,7 rk Trirli; I -4 ''''t-- 'N'''. it I op. al ..1 Lae 11. els a 0 Ill" a' it), l'''''' I I. 2- I.

a ifittris-14111 1 0 iil ii I -41i Etiiiin 1 mirk I IIF I III Itt tiiI; 1 fill-1 I A ft diak.a..fti Page 4 ir---7--- No, v.c- 5 moor mor vor UP MI legrok JOHNSON CITY VI ARCH 20, 1 930. Editor TELEPHONE Life Is -1- 4, 1 it-Uok I -LA. 111-11111411 kJ a '7 I 7 The Only Demneratle Daily Newspaper In Upper Guy Smith, Publisher The Only Democratic Daily Newspaper In Upper East.Tenneues. Guy L. Smith.

Publisher -lbwkW a lbola an logs THURSDAY, MAACK Told uwis saves power 4 Carroll E. King. ss Gerald Goode: Busine' Manager tBy rho Atioaiato4 Presal the 111 it 1111.1A,,-Itk Carroll E. King, Managing Gerald Goode: Business Manager. HURSDAY, MAACK IC (By rh Atioaiato4 Presal to trie teeter: Ai, 41.0 111,,1,11.

MAI .1 4- a- a li, ila a it.11, a a 4 of Itbord To 'the tditort Tota a a a at .11 4 saves pow pr 111- Qwned by The Appalachian Publishers, a Virginia Corporation, vPutlished Sunday morning and each week dar afternoon except '1 I -Addreea: Main Strber atMarkst Placa. Johnson City. Tennessee. Telephone The Staff-NewsPrivate Exchange: Entered at the Post Office at Johnson City. 'Tennessee.

as mall matter Qt.the second class. 4-- I 0 A -I I MEMEE.r.S' ASSOCZATM intr The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or tot otherwise credited In this paper, and also the local news published MAIL suBscaurrioN Rims Payable in Advanee 4 These rates.are good only for postal zonet 1 and I zones 3 to 5 rates will be given on application. Payable In Advanee 1 $8.00 -Daity Sunday. six Months 325 )3aily and Sunday three months 1.75 CAIIRIER SUBSCRIPTION RATES nA nno, vonr in niivianrA Iry -vinrere $UM The ttaffews will positiitly not consider for publication letters to the editor in which the writer does not agree to sanction at least a part of he responsibility for publication by th8 use his name. Letters to the are received gladli for consideration )ut wHI not be published nn less, in the judgment of the editor.

they nerit publication through the tonveyance of thought. fetters written Imply for theVenting of the Snieen of the individual. or letters which.wi fully misrepresent matters of JP a. 'Pt, Pleen Of the individual, or letters which. wilfully misrepresent matters ot Programs in Eaaient Standard time.

All time la P. St unless otberwlat edicated. Wavelengths on loft ot letter; kilocyclu on right. 4 4543-WEAF New York-4360 (NBC Chain) 00-Black and Cold Room Dinner Orchostra-Also WCAE WRC CROW sannuet-Also WEEI irric WJAR WCSH WI! WEO WOT n'''Pa WCAE WWJ WISAI WTAG Hymn Sing, Quartat-Also WC SH WITS flour in Nation's Capital-Also WJAR WTAG MILO WilAt WET sour, Little Jack Little. Valle Orchestra-Also WECI WTAG WJAR WCSIE WEI NITRO WGT WGR WCAE WIeJC WWJ WET WJAX 'MOD WHAS WSE WRAI WRItt wSII WAP1 CKGW WTAM WETE, WEEIWJAR WTAG WCSH WEI W'RO WGT WGR WCAE WTAlif IVSAI MIAS WSNI TSB WBT WJAI WRVA Moments, Oliver Smith, Tenor.

and rutrene Orme ndy IVJAR WTAG SVCSH WEI WRC SVGY WORWCAE WWJ ITSAI WTAM Shdkret Concert Orchestra and Featura-WREI N'S'3AR NV'TAEll wCsil WFI WRC WOY WOR WCAE WPIC WWJ TETA WET WJAX WIOD WHAS WSM WSB KTW WTAM WC WGR WW.1 WRVA CKGW WET WTAM 5411.11WABC New York--860 (CBS Chain) WHE VVJAS WLEW vrrrt WKBIT, WWn WDES to WEAN WNAO WLBZ WEEL WHEC WKEW: En sembicomAlso WMAL WIIP WJAS ITREN WWNC WDEJ Top Club Variety Program-Alia -WCAU WCAO WJAS TEEL WIIK WIC WICEN only; The Vagsbondv-Only to WEAN STNAC WOAD WAIAL WJAS WLEW STREIT WKRO 'STOMP WICEN WWNC ConterenceAise WEAN INTNAC WFAN WOAD WMAL WJAS WLEW WFBL 'STREW WEIR. WKRC WORE WREN WWNC WDEJ WEAN WNAO WPAN WCAO WMAL WJAS WLEW WERE WKEW WADC WKRO WOHP WSED WWNC ITTAU Mysteries-Also WEAN WNAC WCAll WCAO WAILAL WJAS WEENY WEBL WHEC WKEW WADC WHK" WKRO WOHP WEED WEAN WNAO WCAD WCAO WMAL ITJAS WEEL WADC WHK STKIIC WGHP WSPD of WEAN WNAC WPAN WCAO WMAL WHP WJAS WLEW WIrEL WitEW WADC WHIC WIKRC ITGUP 'TEEN WbED WITNO WDET wrrto wDon vcrtlic WEAN WA WEAN WOAD WMA WHP MIAS SirL1111---J STEEL WKEW WADC WHIC w1cr0 wow WKBN- WISED only; Dream Boat-Also WEAN WCAO WMAL WHP I WLEIVWFEL STREW WKItC WOHP WSED WWNO WDEJ WDOD It town 's Orchestra-Also WEAN WCAO WMAL WFBL WG1.11,1WSPD WWNC VrDEJ WBRC WOOD WLAO 394.5.-WJZ (NEC Chain) Cummins' Orchestra; St49-4'robib1tion Poll-Also 'Mit WR'VA WLW WETE WJAX STIOD WET. ii Andy-Also WEZ IVIIAM ftDICA Will ITTla CROW WRI'A WPTP WET WJAX WIOD: Edward Taylor-Also Wile Days-Also CKGW: WEAL KDKA WHAM Sports Drama-Also WEZ WEAL WHAM lilDKA ivIAT ITJP Hillpot-AlaoWER W1147, WHAM KDKA WJEl Sanford Orchestro-Also WDAL WHAM RDILA WLW WHAS ITSAI WET WJAX TVIVA WSE KTIT MOD Midweek flour--Mso ITER WEAL WHAM KDRA WJE WON String Ensemble (1 KDKA Andy (Second Broadeast)-Only to VIIAS WSM WSB PoU (Second WSIt WO EASTERN CLEAR CHANNEL STATIONS 272.11-.WEG Atlantic City-1103 Front WABC Organ Recital Pickers; tr Of Pend, Musio Maio Hour 1.30---Itasio and Feature 305.0-KOKA 10100-Vocal: Subway Boyi 4 100-Il of Pittablirgh: Mualcal Musical: Song Btory German Idand Hour hrlo 252-11--WBAC Baltimora-1010 Baltimoreans Orchestra 00-WJZ Programs (3 hrs.) 210.7-eAVHAM, Rochestalue4150 Witching Hour piano; Or011.1 Skit 282.1-WTIC Hartford-1010 701.w,73Zz pci5ogntr)artil Sparklers; News 1100.00rgan Recital Hour I 63G-'Sam6 WEAF (31)m) 13110.5WGY ache no nee a psw Organ Bee Pickerel CI. 61 Pend, Music MOODante lour 9.34Musia and Feature 305.13KDKA PittsburghIII Subway Boys! 4 of Pittebtirgh: Mugge' Song Story 40L title German Pawl 2- rs Hour Musical Program. 2112-3WEIAC Baltimore-1040 ogram (143.

hrs.) Baltimoreans 0Tom -Oerun' rchestra 00WJZ Programs (3 hrs.) 260.7--WHAM,Iloohesten1150 Witching Moue COONews; piano; Orc1i-1 Skit 282.IWTIC Marti or 10(10 Quartet; Songs C00WJZ Programs bra.) Sparklers; News Recital Sour as WEAF (30m.) 1179.5ANGY Solisneetady710 It tent, eel Men des 4 4 Iritc citdir 'II WRO eeeeT ee-Pa In) IvW3 I NVRC Wiled NV)311 -Also WTAG 3 'yew.) WET WJAX KOW WTAII Iveeree I WRO Wee WOB ST WJAX WRVA Oren ii ndy Orch--Atee WWJ WSAI WTAM wEEINVIAR ev'Temi WsAl SeRVAWS11 CKOW Were NVTAM 'In) ieerte.c wDEs wHeNV. re. LEN veWNC Wielee elAC WCAO to WEAN NVNAC 31.110 WHI3N erteNC MAO wm" WIAS RN VeNveiC VIM eMiele NVJAS WLEW SPD WWNC WTATI MCA WAILAL MIAS RO WOHP WEN CAO evele.le eVJAS iP wSPD is.CAO wMAL WHP ICBC Wale' rreBN "11111 WJAS vri.nn SN- WEPO WCAO Welke WIT? Ma WOW' WDOD WIlleWLEW Nvel3t ea 19 lv-Trt WRVA IVT1.0 CrbeeNt 'oylcr-Also WRO 1AL KDKA WHAM ki lieeleet, le'Ller Well KA Nem KDKA. elVel, 'Mee) KA, reeA WJE WON WSet NVSB lel Ne WO' 1 WAPC Aare: Le 6.1 olo Hour 4 Pittsburgh-08e ohlirge: Musical mon Pond euelea Programs rams Ityr hrs.) 1 Vs Orchestra 4, le so: Skit Quartet: Eengs rams el Met) Ito) Hour cheneetsdrelt0 returnedunluss 1 so requested by the writer and stampa are enclosed for that purpose. ULM I V4 II .11.51.

CM puutizticu LN 0 ilia num-, 1- so requested by the writer and PtampS are enclosed for that purpose. 't'P" I wonder if anyone can answer the following questions: Why don't "Birds are the skilled workmen of auto drivers stop. signs in Because it has the right body, Texaco Motor Oil. city the animal kingdom," declared I. L.

in ice high grade nutintains a per- Your Brown, of the seems that your city officials fect piston seal which holds compression and main- Kiwanti dub Wedeesday on the aute have done all possible to make traf- Si a feature 'of the jeet of 7Birebet, tains ffe Safe en your treets without put- el a policeman Ott every cornet. "Nature peograni. "Theinxtinet or reasonlnee power, I am a frequent vieitote in and call It what you wishe of titres pass. I through your city and must say that to knowledge I baVe not es understaeding' If. one will watch 0 nson City any ,011 Comp ts In oe them in Jnoments 'when they sre tin- ten on my your ree as any II le 4 -----ok--, s.t, ak A that th it I el a are ey re leeret sit times in the lad year that I did not see your laws violated one or Niemerous instances tbis power were roted by the more times.

I passed through your "The tree value and the essential i city today, coming in'on the Jones- xe It I part bird life playe in the human 'boro road and -passed out by way Loupty Teachers -My Goitre one of the Glanestoff road. and' noted existence: cannot be fully eipprotiet- i 4 4 t. 4 Gained 35 Pound: Relieved five top signs, violated on two od- 'ed tetil one that within ten eet In ones or() Choking Smothering and blerv casions. had to stop on the Male were it not foe 'he birdo, 1)J 4 Ai ll 0 1,, ousnesA An Operation Pre- street to let the auto that Veiuo coei- there would be no living green thing Ing off of a side street get by le In all elle world. ei 7 Saturday -119rnitr ented io order to avoid an ateidente The "lour claseffications cover these '14 Mrs.

Bettle Tracy, R. AUStli 3, little' feathered creatures: says she wile tell personally first occurred near the Model Mill; the etcond on Roan street. elle eat on the ground. Th by letter of her relief Sorbo ese in. Program of Washington County Quadruple, le rl II i t.

Sh a ess men elude the thensth blackblid end' Teachers' meeting to be held at I want to say that I have 'always '2 High School' on March ose which gist their liy. Ones ore had to sit up in led and fan to g4 her breath. She had geltreN, obeyed the laws wherever I am and robin. Th mg on the tree trunks. There are 23 at lelem.

has been announced years, can see no reason why other men Phetild not. It oely- lakes abelit thirty-two different varieties of bY Superintendent R. E. Clark Q5 Manufactured by Sorbol Con woed-peckers alone and the Nut. follows: Mechanicsourc O.

Sold by a ir melt a minute to stop at street ereeeing ettelookforecart and start a'''c't t)" Joint Session drug stores. Locally at People ideas it-wer Se agaleverrid cannot possibly lose ete evotions-Chaplal Service Dreg Store. I Insects which the other8 would miss Eon call. more than five oriel( minutes pass- The hi th ter ose that live high big through the 'entire' city. And Minutes of previous meeting.

what is time compared with de- In the tree tolls. Preventing the de. Business. sruetion of 1 and btd ts. The struction of life anti property, or pectalf musical program by even taking a' chancel' I believe Oriole is ono of these.

7111e tourth Jonesboro High -I 't i 11 called elle tt i is the group al ad on, the statistics will bear Me out le I Departmental Sessions 1 ee. I le nght axle day, killing es. saying that 95 to 98 per cent of the, Wrk m- Elemeneary-, I aut accidents are caused by care- quitoee und other dangerous and What is Meant by the Big Unite i'' 1 I-, i disease-carrying ineects." less drivers that, have started 110- Mrs. Gross. wlere and are nowhere When, thoy The eccen The Bi nit in English Mrs tricities of various birds 1 est, U.

te olks who have business on or outlinng the birds' babes trOtn The Big Reading-Mrs. et et there, and ate enlyit'menace were described at length, the speak. Orville Martin. --e 1 i 44 i the In the road; I have the highest 'ri-- nesting time mita the fall Migration it Rose reee gard for your officials and believe period which time, each Year the Hew Secured Cooneratime of i 1 A 1, that they are doing ail they 'eat, thousands of thousands of birds con. Parents-Mrs.

Bicleleye I e' A Is u-annot see all the road gregate at some chosen 'epot and nigh School- i 1 i that are On your streets startethelr jeurneyesouthwatth The County Field Meet. i btc Marked attention' was ere' ceed bl The Inter-High School in 4' -have my perinission to Use the- speaker, -and keen-- interest- in Standard Tests. the abeve as you See fit. I I the subject was displayed as one by 'A- stibscribet, S. It Joint Session 2.

one the eecrets ot bird life Were ex. Addressee, "The' Importance of e- -eVit vrious ealit of the he birds Drill lit the 8chOol" --e Dr. C. II were demonstrated (luring the Ms- 7 Sherrod. I 0 arse ---e- 1 This is the last Meeting of the ust Tired' Announcemente 6 I year and shoUld be attended by all 1111)erty The matting Vas in charge of the teachere of the merit )'t Thee are times when the blood leiwanians Phil McAfee and 'Ray Greenway, with McAfee chairman needs purifying and enriching.

A --a---la ----m- --min r. an re. onroe wo the day. bet of Commerce Which tiredand weak feeling is 'usually in are ill, are improving. I Several announcements of civic will be held Monday evening.

March indication that you need a teetiepate Mtn, Roscoe Harrison spent Sat- events were including: the 24. dollar appetite is poor urday afternoon with her 'Mother, Boy Scout leather and Son ban uet Ma NV Ell! I 1- if the 11 yor son wee ec. ee. ta be bele Fridtty night at the First scl to the club as a "Baby leiwane Try taking GROVE'S TASTELESS ALI" -IkteeY Lettie Conner spent 141. E.

church, A number et Mewl. Ian," He made ad interesting talk CHILL Towtc for just a few dayt and One night elast Week evith WO fans signified their intentions of at, in response to his Introductien; his watbh the fesult. YOu'll enjoy the Catherine leenburg. tending. Well chosen remarks were vocifer feeling of vigor and strength.

60c Hlekle spent one day L. R. Driver announced the Chem- Ludy received. last week 'Witil 'Mrs. Menlle Pink.

ateedl Storm ReVe A. M. Laughren Will begin (4 f7 ac e- 're, a revivnl at the filth Sun I tops ea hes. Tv4t day of March'. Mlle times Ilarrison and Mel.

Jerry MeCray weee' calling em Mee A I rta iv II IT I wonder if anyone can answer the following questions: Why don't auto drivers stop signs in your city? It seems that your city officials have done all possible to make trafIre safe on your streets without putti a policeman on every cornet. I am a frequent vialtor in and through -yotir city and must say that to my knowledge I baVe not been on your streets as--Many es slit times in the lad year that I did not see your laws violated one or more times. I passed through your city today, coming in'on the Jonesboro road and -passed out by way of the Glanzstoff road'. 'and' noted fivit Stop signs, violated on odcantons. I had to stop on the Main street to let the auto that Was coAing off of side street get by in order to' avoid an accident', The first occurred near the Model Mill; the second on Roan street.

I want to I have 'always obeyed the laws wherever I am and can see no reason why other men ithotild not. It only- takes about' half a rninitte to stop at street trossingtolookfor cart and start cannot possibly 103e more than five right minutes passing through the entire' city. And what is time compared with destruction of life anti property, or even taking it' charmer believe the statistics will bear trie out in saying that 95 to 98 per Cent of the auto accidents are caused by careless drivers that have started nowlere and are nowhere when thil get there, and are to the folks who business on the road. have' the 'highest 'regard for your Officials and believe that they are doing all they tali, but -cannot see on the that are On your streets. have my pertnission to Use the above as you See fit 'A' enbseribet, 1I.

ODONT. Cranberry, N. I Liberty Mr. Menlo-CI-Lai- wIto are ill, are improving'. Mra, Roscoe Harrison spent Saturday afternoon with her Mother, Mre.

W. M. Conner, Miss Mary Lettle Conner spent one -week with Mess Catherine ISenburg. Hinkle spent one day 1.ast Week with lit's. Fink.

A. M. Laughran begin a revival at Liberty the filth Sunday of' March'. Mrs. Ilbseoe Itarrison and Mrs.

jerry MeCray wets calling On Mrs. --a-vri---mon-r-o-i-n- Nato Mr. an all, are ill, are improving-. Mra, Roscoe Harrison spent Sat- urday afternoon with her Mother, Mra. W.

M. Conner, Miss Mary JAW Conner spent one night -week with Mess ISenburg. 'MissLucy Hinkle spent one day last Week with Fink. A. M.

begin. a revival at Liberty the filth Sun- day of' March'. Mrs. Ilbseoe Itarrison and Mrs. Jerry MeCray wets calling On Mrs.

day Of 31 are ll'. "off mho. iesIF tart A A 160114,1114,114 Wil A limoll, Mts. Ttescoe Itarrisen and M. a' Jerry McCray wets' calling CM Mrs.

4 1 1 4 "Birds are the skilled workmen of the animal kingdom," declared A. L. Drown, of the Kiwanii club Wednesday on the aubjeet of "Iiircte, es' a feature 'of the "Nature'' 4 "The 'Instinct or reasonlnp, power, call It what you of btreis Inst. es understanding' 1f. one will watch then in.rnoments they tre unaware that ere 'NUmerous Instances showing this power were noted by the "The true value and the essential Part bird life plays' in the 'human existence -cannot be fully Until One knows that within ten' yeare; were it', not fol- 'the' birds, there would be no living green thing In alntite'world.

7 "lour classifications cover these little' feathered creatures: who-eat on' the ground. These In-, elude the 'thetisth, blackblid One robin. 2. Those which 'got theirliv-1 ing on the tree trunks. There ure thirty-two different varieties of wood-peckers alone, and the Nuthatch- ettt ch1Ie standing on his Insects-which the other8 would "The third are these 'that live high In the tree- tens, Preventing the de-, of The Oriole is on of these.

fourth Is the group called the air eqUadron, working iight and day. killing 'mosquitoes und other dangerotui and disease-carrying inSects." The' eccentricities of birds were described at length, thesneaker outlining the birds' habits Mtn nesting time until thd fall 'Migration period which time, each year the I thousands of thousands thirds con-, gregate at some chosen and start-their lourney-southwai di Marked attention' was by keen-Interest in the subject was displayed one by one the 'secrets of bird' life were -Vavrious calla of the birds were demonstrated during the Ms- 7 course. Announcements The m6t1ng 'Vas In charge of Kiwanians Phil McAfee and 'Bay 'Greenway, with McAfee chairman for the ''Several announcements of civic events were Including. the Boy Scout Father and Son banquet to be held night at the First M. E.

number of lawantans signified their intentions, of attending. L. It. Driver antounCed the OhaM el 13 tc Al Is te 1 StOPS HeAdacheS 1 Because it has the right body, Tome Motor Oil, in the high grade znaintains a perfect piston'seal which holds compression and maintains OhnS011 it Ak 1 Li -N-- i 4,, County Teacher 4 1)Jeet In JQuesboro 'Saturday Program of Washington County Teachers' meeting to be held at Jonesboro 'High School' on March23 at 101Lm. hat been announced by Superintendent R.

E. Clark Q3 follows: Joint Session DevotionsChaplain. Eon call. Minutes of previous meeting. Business.

Special musical progra by Jonesboro high Sch ool. 1 Departmental Sessions Elementary What is Meant by the Big Unit? Mrs. Gross. The Big Unit In Orville Martin. The Big Unit In ReadingMrs.

Rost Pox. How I Secured Cooperation or Bickley. High School --The County Field Meet. The Inter-High School Contest Standard Tests. Joint Session Address a-- "The' Importance of Drill lit' the 8choo1" Dr.

C. C. Sherrod. This is the last meeting of the year and should be attended by all the teacheril of the 'Minty. bet of Corhmerce banquet; which will be held Monday -evening, March 24.

Mayor W. B. Ellison wee intfoduc ecl to the club as a "Baby Elwam, Ian," He made an interesting talk in response to his introducticn; his Well chosen remarks were vocifor ously Oil Company 4 A It -My Goitre Gone" Gained 33 Pound: Relieved Choking, Smothering and An Operation Pre- vented Mrs. Bettie -Tracy, IL Austin says she wilt tell personally by letter of ber relief by Sorbol Quadruple, a coiorless liniment. Shl had to sit up in ted and fan to ge her breath.

She had gOltreNiat year Manufactured by Sorhol Corn pany, Mechaniesourg. O. Sold by drug stores. Locally at Peopletz Service Drtig Store. 'F just Tired! There are tknes 'when the blood needs purifying and enriching.

A tired.and weak feeling is 'usually au indication that you need a tonic, pat, tkularly if the appetite is poor. Try taking GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL Tolac for just slew dayt and watth the result. You'll enjoy the feeling of vigor and strength. 60c atfill druji' stores: et1, .4 by 1, 1 s. '-1 '1' .1.49 0 I 14 Id ra.

I i -t 11 oil of i i Its, I Qiiii It. In 11 i I. I 1 c. t)A. ed! the bloo(1 ariching.

A 'usually lin tonic, p3t4 is poor. TASTELESS dayt and enjoy the rength. 60c Auagetea limp 016 WAW 4 -4. F. 1-- 17.

The piesident of Cityl College in 4lew York has 7orka ect out a time budget for spend their time to greatest advantage Just as financial budget ------Tenables a family to spend its gfeatest ad: vantage. The budgeted day runs from 7 30a. to 11:30 p.m. It includes three hours for something like basketball or swimming for twq-ofthem and "a long for the )There Is a 1 half for readin a dilly newspaper and another for C011-1 genial friends. -The middle, oftthe' day, morning to threein.theaftcrnocili, is for.d:classeg:,witli'an hour for lunch, and study The suggestion for tthese oars is, a sever a that several ---4tlintri ut side the scholastic requirements thouli be pursue'd the contacts and experiences will help to 'their future life." A tentative time-budget probably be pa eye- )pener.

to is always complaining-, of not hAVITIV time enouvil lot readinz or exercise or 421 WOR Newark--710 toDinner Music; Nerkg IllConcert Shorthand Cott. Program Orcliesfra Soloists TT Agricultural Program 2 Little Symphony Programs (3 hrs.) Polly' Adventures and Organ hour 100041ed Lacquer Jade 302.8WEIZ Spr1ngfield-1490 Mandes 00 3 Chillun Musical. 'idelodlel1 Talk Dance; Moonbearde him asicdtern 231.3WCALI PhiladelPhla-7170 State of Orchestr00-6-1-11t of Om reek ifo'yx as 11: Ebony Intl Programs fur Trappers LOwe's Orchestra (30M1 CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN CLEAR CHANNEL STATIONS Oinetanatti-70) 277.1WUT (1.1;tri.)WJZ (13m-1 Theater Treats Scrap Book WBT Trio Dog Club; Trio 414, W1Z (4141 hrs.) Troupers a (30m.) Lotfilv1llto4 20 Bail; Filimore's Band Feature Lox Amigos ltt00--1VEAP (I krill Mansfield Lee J2r yarlotr Bout 3911.8WJR Detroit-750 41.411W.iii roupern sul 1A1.14 (30m.) Ball; FIllmore's Band Lox Amigos Mansfield Lee 393.8Will Detroit-750 me; NVEAS1 4 'carom Program 2 Vara, O. hltc) Organ uour Springfield-eta eseeiceliel: Tete reeeketeete oyx vesk I 'smelt broil 1 we's Orchestra (tem STATIONS Charlettee-10111 ate? Treats Tree i23 I illem-821) WH ott sv Feature llt004-1VEAF hrs.) nr Varlet? Bout ,7, e- teveal many of the wasted moments which deprive people, in these rushing years, of time for meditation, quiet social c-orivrse. ank crOthe'r sira'aions thing3 if9-r whieWthgi help- lesslY The -1 The rr- A shake-up of the power Commission, prop-I isecl by Secretary Wilbur recently, may help the situation.

'rhere seems to have been much internal friction." A "moi'e harmonious doubtless desirable. But many tritics think this remedy doesn't go to the Inottom of tit situation It is sometlungihke changing he when the house needs'remOdelling The functions and responsibilities ofltbe commission divided among three executive departmentsAgri- revault last week. Born to and Mn. Dea Slaughter, a baby boy. "Born to Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Vernon k. a. baby Rev, Laughrn -will begin his six sermons at Gray' the third Sunday of this montht Sunday School is getting along Mrs. John Htdi has been some time revault last week.

Born to and Mrs. Dea Monet-- ter, a baby boy. -Born to Nit and Mrs. Arthur Vernon a baby A. IL Laughrn -will begin his six sermons at Gray' the third Sunday of this monthe Sunday School is getting along Mrs.

John Hall has been some time The sale of the season is on! First day ctowds'are of the extraordinary values we are offering. Outgo 'must be cid in gill within dayi Pricee have been greatly reduced to do Do not fail to take advantage of this Golden OpporCome today select a "Good Will" used car at a sensational bar- 'gain price. ,.1928 Pontiac Cabriolet Looks ttnd runs liks new. Good rubber and carries 90 day guar. antee.

ttim other I Many oer good ed ears- at I galn Selection of l'other KYLE -is Phone 575 I :1 orwt--), L-d Born to and Mn. Dea revault at week. ter, a baby boy. 1', td Mr. and Mrs.

'Arthur Vernon Isenbburg, a baby Bev. A. M. Lauhrn will ben 'gi his six sermons at 0111Y the third Liberty Sunday School is getting Sunday of this Montht along oiceiy. 0,,, solisitinJoeho has he.en Olt! or me -C.

yirl 1, P. The sale of the season is ant First day ctowds'are proof ot tne extr aoramary value! we are ctlt in hall within dayi Pricee have been greatly reduced to do it, vo not tail to taKe ativan- tine pt L1115 1COLLICLI tUnitY: Come today select- a Good Will" used car at a sensational bar- price. II loqo n- 11 Cabriolet 11 Looks and runs II new. txonn runner ana i carries 90 day guar antee. "1(71 ,0 nelleso II.

KRA' prices 1., I I Su Els Selection of lords. Dig 1 JOHNSON CITY, ik moos Phone.575 aft- II ay. II 11 01, 4 111.4 01 P' See .1 uphoistery beautlful 4 Nen- I aqi 1 i a row CANE Granulated, 41J56 6-phone 918 I I I Ir irt I A Pritr- Fiom td- I II 4, i 918 1, 1 All lets erves 1 la 4 it io'-: 1Vhen ono of these sick. nervous 93 relieves any kind of tt head-. foul' I I befits, or- fe I male headaches ye- come and ou want thre to illy' (114 'afore prea dni sevitral il- .4 et.

soda 'fount it'd aik tnr a pack. the relief of painn, cregnard7eess eort iritrs 50 UAO 0 1 age or dose Of "-C" (10c and 25c brighh The "B-C" formula is one packages) the wonderful new prep- of ths most important- medleal dis. alattiotnh of la North Carolina drug- coveries of recent years. accomplish. I as a at guaranteed safe and Ing In a few minutes what no one out depression or bad drug formula cap do under' 1 tb I after I hours.

I y. S. R. ROBERTSON roLer iucn, A An 90 lbs. 9,41 OA I 6111-1100 0 tir.X"'Ul A 1 FOLLY RICII Or grlf-Itistu 24 lb.

I 0 IS tt" DUSTY MILLER, Plain or Self, 0) 21lis4 libh.g 4 '''11 05 LiCTICY BOY, Plabb, SeritalsIng, 24 95 0 svarrE tro 0 ''''''''''P' la 4 StIIITE 20 a i 1 rillabs. or 7P1.1, ID, '4 IL" Al I 1 lw I 0 4 FEED DAIRY FEED Hi protein rotein $2.00 SWEET PEED I' et) It ho In for rses- roc-oar" gop t.s. Lid f-t. 04-11 lel itA1 sTri, DAIRY FEED A 41, And When ono of those sick, nervous headaches come and you want three-minute to ally drug 'afore Ot. soda 'fount n4 ask t6r a package or dose of "B-C" (10c and 250 packages) the wonderful new preparation of North Citrolina, druggist that is guaranteed sato and tmeedy without depression or bad after effects; it74 relieves any kind of head-- fiche, riteurnigin Or female pain, because it car-alas several ingredi that function together for the 'r eller of pain, regardless of its brighh The "B-C" formula is One of' the moat important, medical dis.

coveries of recent Years, accomplish. ing In a few minutes what no one drug formula can tio under't tti hours. FOLLY RICII- $1 111 Or Self-Ttiolo 24 DUSTY MILLER, Palo or Self- Islhg 24 lb 'LCCKY BOY, Plahkso 'Srif-Rishig, 24 lb. sunITE' $3,20 ao ruvrtr. Flain or Self-Mag.

A DAIRY FEED 9 A A le protein re IP Looll SWEET FEED et) ilt tor' horses roc-war" Lid DAIRY FEED $2 60 Vulture, War. Even the Loyalties are divided. cabinet each with on special, department, it hard to on them or give enough time to them, Direct action is difficult. There field big and imp9rtant, enough to merit the services of an able full-time ciimthissron, whose work is not complicated with othertasks. The xaill roads have the Interstate Commerce Commission to Ilan) idle them.

Electric power may become, before 'many years, as prip9rtant as railroads. 4 "Pptilals Child Fettis Children usually suffer from 'many fears, observes a psychologist, but only two of them, are instinctive. Thie are the fear of falling and the fear of a loud, rasping noise. All the others, including fear of thunder and lightning, the dark, snakes, firer are learned as the baby grows older. An evolutionist would say that the fear of falling was imprinted on the COTISOQUSIleSS of the race, to reappear as an instinct in every child during the forgotten period ben our ancestors lived for long ages in trees and were In Continual danger of falling.

Also that the fear of loud, protelit w000nor itp 1 1 illiyarytiLuytiAit-gbirgAyfil i sooirzetir I PI II 5t4 I 1 SHORTS' et Orcherstra Four McConnell; Cigar Makers Programs (2 hrs.) Rev. Randall; ()roll. Requests; Dance (1 hr.) 405.2WSB Atlanta-740 Balladlet; Feature (3 bre.) Program Organ Recital Officers Seize Sub-Standard Jamaica Ginger -t--. LOUISVILLE, March (NIInvestigation of the 30 or more casts of partial paralysis reported In central and eastern Kentucky led federal prohibition officials today to lay the blame on sub-istandard Jamaica ginger which they' sal4 has been widely distributed. Thousands otgalions of the pro duct belonging to four large companies, three in Kentucky, and one In Cincinati have bee seized by investigators from the Kentucky-Tennessee headquarters here tined early in january, and eight men, officials of the coMpanies, have been 'arrested.

''Thelt aro now under bonds totaling $23,000) 1. The product Seized was sent to Washingted for analysis, federal of i'ficials A certalirbrand cf 'recently dig. tributed Jainiea Ginger has been definitely asctibed- as the causes either direct or indireet, of th6 un explained paralysis of four men and one woman 'here. under trtatment of Dr. R.

IV. Dulaney, 'of Jonesboro, according to a statement by Dr, Dulaney last night Dr, Dulaney says on patient Nvjth asevere ease of the malady, and Who may not live, Made what might be termed a "full confession," later Confirmed by others of the party, that he, four Other men and' the wife of one of them in a prolonged "Jake" drinking party a few days before he was stricken. Three of the Party developed the paralysis in a day or. two: the fourth a day later, and to. day a fifth member was unable to use his legs; A sixth Member 0f the party has not yet but is being watched, axid Dr.

DulaneY con hiders he may be able to obterve the symptoms from incipiency in this case. The "confessing" Patient says some of the members of the party drank from Me to seven bottles each; that they bad been drinking Jamica Ginar tar some time pre. viously but that this was a. nelit and different brand. Vrom the various patients, Di.

Dulaney Is certain he can secure samples of the new brand, used, or at least a bottle and 7111PLES Natures watthinrilhaignatiurositar your oimmierloa and osiotred roma I. rout, Dal, allow (Masai. Truly tim Marderfal remits follow thorough ma. talon el ORS Si If TakMit-s uam. MATURES it I MUM ato roan lata I ild 'trim bon guar.

eliminative or. gam Watch tho transformation. Try Nit instoad tif tittrit laxatives. 1 ita lik Viral Teldalar-11 elitist ray 2Sc FEEL LIKIN A MILLION, Milt leiramig 111611 fr fullfAIPLESIt 11.111E I AM I I 1 41 a ZI I 74 fl 1UU Pounas o4; oui It 1 11 i Li 1 11 BRAN $1 9 -s" 100 pounds a IN 8 VITICACEN FEED el 100 pounds re Ivo IQ LOU BRAN L. $1 8 100 pounds CHICKEN FEED 9 4013-4810 NalhvIIP1414" Jalk; Orcheltra JZ (8 bra.) Program 43am); (Warm Thompson fts1q -zr L10.14RVI4 Richmencl1110 (114, ha.) a.

Eri-IVJZ Talk 4 TIN-Current Events Claes i. Wla (4 bill label, from which duplicates pan be iteettrod for altalyelsi 1:311. DUlatielo slips that the cases mentioned all Laie alcoholic bicit. grOUnds 'of tong standin g. and that Jainitica Ginger bad been figuries In the beverages; but to paralysis Wab mot laserted until Itbe new brief "Smotteiler ro Smoking fpr wo- On Soma railways German30, an receiving heavt fluttronage.

Cigarette Smoking the fair hex has increased greatly "in the last and 75 per cent of the compartments are now labeled "smoking." Nearly Killed By Gas Druggist Saves "Gas on my stomach was so bed It nearly killed me. My 'druggist told int) 'about Adlerike. The as Is gone nen and I feel A. Atiernek. 'Simple glycerin, buckthorn, saline, tis mited In helps OAS on stomach In 10 mintitesi Most remedlei act on loWer boviel only, but Adlerika acts On upper and lower bowel, 'remtwing poison' ens waste you never knew was there Itelleves Constipation ft2 Wire.

It will surprise you. Leading druggists. How Women Lose I flat In England Cain PhOical Charm olmolimMilimo now wotild you like to loSe 15 pound's of fat in a month and at the same time increase your energy and improVe, your health? tow would yott liki to lose unhealthy fat that you don't 'need and don't want and at the 'same time feel better than yoit have for Now wOuld yon like to lose your double chin and Your tOo 'prominent abdomen and et the same time make your skin so clean end clear that it will codipel admiration? llow would you like to get your' eight down to, normal and -at the same time develop that urge for activity that makes work a pleasure and also gain in ambition and keen. nese of mind? ad on the vales today and tee bow mut 714 treligbthen orea an F15 bottle of Knurliest 'Salto which will last 7on for 4 Take One half teaspoonful small morning in a glass of hot water and when not hark finished the first bottle weigh your New you ean laugh at thceteoPle who Pa, hundreds of dollars to 1014 few pounds of fatt-enort you will know the pleasant wo to tome 'unsightly fat and you'll also know that ths 6 italizillg salts of )truselien (Salta that PIP blood nery es. and alanda uio harts tti function, pmpsrly)-e-hare presented toUr.

gintOus health. After that you'll want to win around and say to yam 63 gent bottle of kruschen E4sits is worth one hundred dullant of any km penstat'a tattling druggist America -sell Irrusolten Salte--gtut nom lam -gat it Waggons, Drug tn. (Ade.) et -t Nell 1 ac007 13). 1414T.1, 11 10 pound Jac' .1 10 pounds JC II I eniticEN -t fel re I CUICKtN FEED -t vk, II I houndm LOCI I SS pounds yj' 171-ED CHICKEN FEED 100 pounds g' I .) 4 5 AO. 4 000 ,4 41 I 40 4 i 164 I i 1' 666 666 i i F.

I II runE uranwatea 1 PURE CANE Granulated ()n a. 1 "GOOD 1VILL SEDAN Complete rCRE CANE Granulated CR. It II OAKLAND 4-DOOR 11 11 Irs-Lb. cloth bag' ut; 1 1 "GOOD WILL" OAKLAND 4-DOOR SEDAN Complete 5-1b. cloth bag' Lt PURE CANE Granulated II Guaranteed equipment.

Blurt II -1110-11). cloth bag OUL; H. 11 Donn finish and II 11 014-111, crkmc. A ilk a.k I Guaranteed equipment. Blun Duco finish and 10-1b.

cloth 'tag PURE CANV1 Granu- I CANZ Cranu- del ont I I nolatery to matco. It II 1afii 2rs-th einh hap a to match. lated, 25-lb' cloth bag I .43 I I I I (3 mechanical II I I I I II cnnclition. A belga- Good mechanical condition. A TWO lated 100-lb.

cloth bar tatritatti 5 FORD iliu-i--i'ai'ii- ccoObliTirtroSnilryotexterapd tionally low -0 A 7 price VI, choice tor 20 STUDEBAKER 1 IMO SIXPull down '28 11 It 0 'eOrtalits brand teW MEAL ign TIVO FORD-COUPES In extra good eohtlitIonibYoat, 4 choice tiqc Anttli '28 'CHEVROLET ear at tionally low -0 A 7c price 4 '20 STUDEBAKER BIG SIXPull down 'tortalits brend new 100-lb cloth bag II COUPEJust lhe car II rubber. The yen? car II II 1-2 veelc hairs onTr gm Lit I COUPEJust ear rubber. The very ear t-d th' noises was imprinted on race-mind similarly by the danger from wild animals throtigli long ages. However you explain it, it is well remember these inborn fears and safeguard' children from them. Also, not to give them any unnecessary fears.

Children must learn to be careful, but do not need to have the life scared out of them, or their nervous systems wrecked. A'Repeal Bill Dyer of Missouri has introduced a bill in Congress to repeal the Act. It is knoWn as 10423 and it reads: "I3e It enacted by the Senate and House of Represent tativei of the United States of America in Congress as That the National' Motor Vehicle Theft Act (United States Code, title 481 section 408) is pealed." Says the New York World: "This bill is not only onel of the shortest ever introduced in It is also one of the wisest. For it, records an actual effort made by the author of a law to repeal that law because it has not Worked well." If this becomes a precedent for the introduction of a repeal bill for every law that does not work well, there's no telling where we'll come out. But that is nothing to about, because it won't happen.

Observng the present status of Standard Oil, some other corporations may cherish a secret Wish that a fnist-, busting government would conice alung and dissolve them. for, taxi, 1 mEAL, r)r II I kre look- k9A 4 ins lbr, only 44P .11 tor 41 II it 1 Jusk ha tide I vre'sva yott tae look-t tag fir, only 4 for, taxi, tl tor pbek bags eV. 0.41 I EAT. 1-2 bushel bags aeoetAett Section ler Other Sete if Oaklands. Pontiac.

Chevrolets. Essex. Buick' A Cash and Carry :1 aeoetAett Section ler Other Sete Speelets if Oaklands, Pontlats Chevrolets, Duicks and MEAL- I 1-1 bushel bags nip LE I popular makes at reductions I II ...44....., The sw.r,11)z. 1 SALES CO. NI ill, TENN.

GREENEVILLE, TENN. I riourfvoquare 2 4. 4 .,1 lone 21 ....4 Ivirritr, 'You BEAT TlIet' No 1 0, 4.1111"'""11111.2 Es itIGII JINX NN i II II gl a ii2 'St: ti. A AVITERE TV0e11.EAT Tic lEIGh COSI. JINX 132 AV.

Market St. 1 IV glarKCI ZI 1 i AO .4 i I 4 I.

Johnson City Staff-News from Johnson City, Tennessee (2025)


What famous person is from Johnson City Tennessee? ›

1. Constance Shulman. Constance Shulman was born on 4 April 1958 in Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. She is an actress and producer, known for Orange Is the New Black (2013), Fried Green Tomatoes (1991) and Sweet and Lowdown (1999).

What is the violent crime rate in Johnson City, Tennessee? ›

Johnson City Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes2762,800
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)3.8138.61

Who is the assistant city manager of Johnson City? ›

Trivette was appointed Johnson City assistant city manager in 2022. Throughout his tenure with the City, he has demonstrated exemplary project management skills while respectfully balancing the interests of department leaders, employees, citizens, and a multitude of stakeholders.

Is Johnson City, TN a good place to live? ›

Johnson City is in Washington County and is one of the best places to live in Tennessee. Living in Johnson City offers residents a dense suburban feel and most residents rent their homes. In Johnson City there are a lot of parks. Many young professionals live in Johnson City and residents tend to be conservative.

What is the nickname for Johnson City Tennessee? ›

During the 1920s and the Prohibition era, Johnson City's ties to the bootlegging activity of the Appalachian Mountains earned the city the nickname of "Little Chicago". Stories persist that the town was one of several distribution centers for Chicago gang boss Al Capone during Prohibition.

What is the white population of Johnson City Tennessee? ›

Johnson City Demographics

White: 84.92% Black or African American: 5.98% Two or more races: 4.81% Asian: 2.23%

What is the safest city in TN? ›

Franklin TN Crime Rate. The safest and most popular city in Tennessee is Franklin. Franklin has a population of 80,914 and sees virtually no crime every year. The violent crime rate in Franklin is 147 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

What city in Tennessee has the worst crime rate? ›

Memphis. Memphis is the most dangerous city in Tennessee, with a crime rate of 9,764 per 100,000 people, which is 317% higher than the national average. It's also the most dangerous city in the US.

What is the most committed crime in Tennessee? ›

More than 80% of the criminal offenses reported in Tennessee are property crimes like burglary and automobile theft.

Who is Sean Williams Johnson in City, TN? ›

Sean Williams, a former Johnson City businessman linked to scores of suspected sexual assaults, is expected to face his first trial Tuesday in a federal court in Greeneville.

Who is the deputy manager of Johnson County? ›

Deputy County Manager: Julie Karins.

Who is the Man City Assistant manager? ›

Manchester City announced Juanma Lillo as an assistant manager on June 9, 2020, replacing current Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta.

Why is Johnson City called Little Chicago? ›

Illegal alcohol consumption was so rampant by the early 1900s that Johnson City gained the national title “Little Chicago,” becoming a younger sibling to Big Chicago's vices and bootlegging.

How much do you need to make to live in Johnson City TN? ›

Living Wage Calculation for Johnson City, TN
0 Children1 Child
Living Wage$19.04$31.09
Poverty Wage$7.24$12.41
Minimum Wage$7.25$7.25

Why are people moving to Johnson City? ›

Strategically located as the hub of the Appalachian Highlands, Johnson City boasts a nationally recognized education system, booming industry, lively nightlife, year-round events, and limitless outdoor recreation.

Who is the most famous celebrity from Tennessee? ›

Singer Miley Cyrus, who grew up outside of Nashville, and actress Megan Fox are the two most famous people from Tennessee according to research done by Current country music star Morgan Wallen, legendary actor Morgan Freeman and music icon Dolly Parton round out the top 5.

What famous people are from Johnson City New York? ›

Pages in category "People from Johnson City, New York"
  • Bob Campbell (American football)
  • John R. Clements.
  • Fred Coury.

Where do celebrities live in Tennessee? ›

Several famed personalities have chosen to call Nashville home, and they live in its most posh neighbourhoods, including Brentwood, Oak Hill, Franklin, Germantown and Green Hills.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.