Lance was very disappointing (2025)


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  • Sunday at 7:29 PM
  • #101

Bennett was AWFUL. Much worse than Lance. That said, our inability to score TD'S got us beat. Bennett was handed the win. Lance got us beat. Lets be clear.


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  • Sunday at 7:29 PM
  • #102

CATCH17 said:

I’m of the belief it’s still too soon to put a label on Lance and he needs to play more.

Hes not comfortable yet and you see it and it’s still not that bad.

When things start clicking it will look a lot different but he’s a player that’s thinking a lot and not playing comfortably.



The Labeled One
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  • Sunday at 7:30 PM
  • #103

J12B said:

Granted he wasn't playing with top talent, but he wasn't facing top talent either.

He didn't do enough, and a lot of his placement with open receivers was a bit off.

Plus, he can't even throw a simple fade to a wide open receiver in the end zone. That 4th down miss was awful.

Lance is literally on the chopping block.

Dak Prescott fan panick is real.... Lance was very disappointing (4)

Lance was very disappointing (5)


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  • Sunday at 7:30 PM
  • #104

acr731 said:

He looked pretty raw for a QB who hasn't taken a single live game snap since 2022

He is at a raw VET at this point.

Which translates to unemployed.


The Labeled One
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  • Sunday at 7:31 PM
  • #105

Rayman70 said:

Bennett was AWFUL. Much worse than Lance. That said, our inability to score TD'S got us beat. Bennett was handed the win. Lance got us beat. Lets be clear.

Dude....we couldn't run the football. The fact he had to pass it 41 times should be more concerning.


The Boognish
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  • Sunday at 7:31 PM
  • #106

Rockport said:

He’s had 4 years to correct the accuracy issue.

He has been throwing high for 4 years?

I am just saying that consistently missing the same way speaks to a mechanical issue.

Usually the elbow drops because the legs not getting around is cause. We have seen it in both Romo and Dak at times over the years particularly when they were hurt.

If you want to act like he is broken and cannot improve then okay.

America's Cowboy

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  • Sunday at 7:31 PM
  • #107


Well-Known Member
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  • Sunday at 7:31 PM
  • #108

coult44 said:

Bennett will be the backup week 1.

no way in heck. McVey will be making phone calls when cuts go down to find a better back up. Hès destined for the PS.


Well-Known Member
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  • Sunday at 7:31 PM
  • #109

lance reminds me of chad hutchinson. he looked like an starting nfl quarterback but just did not look like it on the field. i do not see a future starting quarterback in the nfl in lance. four years and stills looks just as good and most mid round rookie quarterbacks. just see how he plays next week. lance will make the team he is getting paid to much this year to get rid of him and that sucks to waste a roster spot him.


Well-Known Member
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  • Sunday at 7:31 PM
  • #110

America's Cowboy said:

How is this possible, because Dak was not considered a Phenom.

America's Cowboy

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  • Sunday at 7:31 PM
  • #111

jwitten82 said:

Lance DiNucci is his name, and throwing inaccurate passes is his game

Lance was very disappointing (18)


Well-Known Member
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  • Sunday at 7:32 PM
  • #112

WillieBeamen said:


His legs

He knew where to go with the ball

Went through progressions

Protected the ball


Ball Placement

Not anticipating his throws

Lack of touch on his throws

Let the Dak stans tell it, Stetson Bennett outplayed him…

thats how I saw it too.
This was the first game in a long time for him on a different team, and our coaches are not that great lol.
I thought he did ok, and didnt throw ints like the la qb, who threw 4 !

Lets see what he looks like next game.
People forget he is playing with the 2nd and 3rd string guys., and MM didnt design a offense for him.

Cowboys still had the game won till that dummy had the PF penalty, which gave rams a 1st down at dallas 40 then rams score the only td
of the day, and that was on the defense.
up until that point both teams had not been able to get into EZ.

I liked that cropper wr, I missed all the KO's except one so cant comment on that .
But it was nice to see a actual game!


Well-Known Member
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  • Sunday at 7:32 PM
  • #113

Floatyworm said:

Dude....we couldn't run the football. The fact he had to pass it 41 times should be more concerning.



Cowboys Diehard
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  • Sunday at 7:33 PM
  • #114

I think there's a decent chance that Lance might improve to some extent in the games to come.

Whether or not that might prove to be the case, it doesn't really mean he'll make this roster. Lance was very disappointing (22)

It's imperative that Lance manages to read defenses better and make more worthwhile passes.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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  • Sunday at 7:33 PM
  • #115

The last time we saw Will Grier play in preseason he looked better than Lance.

America's Cowboy

Well-Known Member
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  • Sunday at 7:33 PM
  • #116

After Preseason Game 1:

Bennett > Trance

Lance was very disappointing (25)


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Lance was very disappointing (27)

  • Sunday at 7:34 PM
  • #117


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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  • Sunday at 7:34 PM
  • #118

America's Cowboy said:

Lance has been in the NFL for already 3+.


Technically speaking, he's played in 8 games in 2 seasons. His performance today really showed his inexperience and lack of playing time. Will he improve? I can't say I saw anything today that convinces me he will. But he gets 2 more chances to show something. If he had plans of impressing anyone today, that clearly didn't happen.


Well-Known Member
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  • Sunday at 7:34 PM
  • #119

And I will state this again for those of you who do not understand the pre-season in any sport. What exactly did you guys expect of the guy? If he had lit it up like Dad did in 2016 you would all say it was against scrubs, means nothing. Instead, you want to jump on a guy who is still raw, and has appeared in his first type of game action in about 2 years. If he does not correct the mistakes come the last pre-season game he may not make it back on the plane, but to destroy him after 1 game is just silly and foolish

Most of you wanting his head will praise our current QB to no end, and we want to celebrate his amazing 1st game in the pre-It has. season in 2016 as if it led to 2 Super Bowl rings instead of 2 wins in the playoffs. I won't mention that Dak had Dez, TW, Fred and Zach and a back at the time in Morris who had some success. We knew exactly what we had in Dak and he has given us exactly this for the last 8 years. Truth is we have zero clue what Trey gives us, and only have 1 game for now to base our opinions. Give it a couple more games before we ask for his head


You Have an Axe to Grind
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  • Sunday at 7:34 PM
  • #120

Bullflop said:

I think there's a decent chance that Lance might improve to some extent in the games to come.

Whether or not that might prove to be the case, it doesn't really mean he'll make this roster. Lance was very disappointing (33)

He won’t improve enough for anyone in their right mind to want him as our starting QB if Dak walks after this season. However, you have a lot of fans here who aren’t in their right minds. Lol

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Lance was very disappointing (2025)


What happened to Lance in Black Summer? ›

Season Two

A man by the road tries to stop him, and then a woman blocks the road when Lance fails to stop. She pleads to get in the car pointing to her pregnant belly, and Lance agrees. As soon as she is in the car, she reaches behind Lance and opens the door for the man. The man shoots Lance, killing him.

Why did Lance become a farmer Voltron? ›

The decision to write Lance as a farmer can be interpreted one of two ways: Lance decided that he'd had enough flying and space exploration for a lifetime and decided to live the quiet life with his family.

Why did Black Summer get cancelled? ›

The absence of a Season 3 renewal might stem from the show's limited global viewership and relative lack of popularity, especially in English-speaking regions like the US and UK. Despite briefly entering the US TV top ten from June 17 to July 2, 2021, Black Summer was later displaced by other shows.

Why was Spears killed Black Summer? ›

She leaves to check on dessert, and returns to find Anna has shot Spears. They leave for the airstrip, but Boone runs away from them. A flashback reveals Spears, knowing he was dying and unable to commit suicide, asked Anna to kill him, and she obliged.

Why was Voltron controversial? ›

The series was criticized for its LGBTQ representation. The show was criticized for killing off a gay character, with some saying the show was following a stereotype known as "burying your gays", leading showrunner Joaquim Dos Santos to apologize to fans.

Did Lotor actually love Allura? ›

Conception. One the differences to Prince Lotor in Voltron: Legendary Defender compared to his 1984 counterpart is that he didn't have an obsessive love towards Princess Allura. His affection for her is treated as genuine, which is confirmed by series staff writers.

Did Pidge have a crush on Lance? ›

Shippers have speculated that Pidge may have a crush on Lance, similar to Toph's crush on Sokka in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Their evidence stems from the subtle differences in how Pidge treats Lance vs everyone else.

What happened to Major Lance? ›

Lance died in 1994 in his sleep from heart disease in Decatur, Georgia. He is buried at Washington Memory Gardens Cemetery in Homewood, Illinois.

What caused zombies in Black Summer? ›

In Walking Dead and Black Summer everyone was infected with the zombie virus. It only became active when a person was severely injured or weakened. Bites didn't pass the virus, but did cause infections that allowed the dormant virus to activate.

What happened to the Mexican guy in Black Summer? ›

With a cast led by Jaime King as Rose and Sal Velez Jr as William Velez, Black Summer follows a group of survivors in the early days of a zombie apocalypse. As the drama came to an end in the first series, William was killed by Rose.

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