Terraria: Friendship Is Magic - FiMFetch.net (2024)

by Pomp-Neigh

Chapter 74: Chapter 73 - Skeletron's Vessel.

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Having told Rainbow Dash of her experience in that alternate reality, Pinkie Pie now waits for her cyan friend’s reaction. Unbeknownst to the two mares, they’ve been talking for so long that it was starting to become late into the afternoon.

“That’s… that’s a lot to take in, Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash says with wide eyes.

“I know… it’s why I never wanted to talk about it at all. I’m so sorry, Rainbow.” Pinkie Pie then gets onto her hooves and says: “I know what you’re going to say so I’ll just leave.”

“Wait, what? What do you mean?”

“You don’t have to say it, you don ‘t want to be my friend anymore.”

“Pinkie, what the buck are you talking about? Sure, that was a crazy story and all but I’m still your friend.”

The cyan pegasus’s words causes the pink pony to sit back down onto her flank and her eyes widen as she replies:

“W-what? You’re still going to be my friend?”

“We just talked about this, Pinkie. I told you that no matter what you revealed to me from that other world I’d always remain your friend. That wasn’t you, Pinkie Pie. Like I said, that’s that world’s problem, not ours. I’ve got nothing to hate you for, like, at all.”

Tears were on the verge of pouring down the party pony’s cheeks as she couldn’t truly accept what was being said. Pinkie was sure that the pegasus would want to cut all ties to her. However, before she could respond any further, the pink pony felt as if something was missing. She couldn’t quite put a hoof on it but it felt as if something was torn away from her, a piece of herself and yet unique in its own right. Rainbow Dash takes notice of this and questions:

“Hey, you ok? Something’s clearly bothering you and I don’t think it’s that whole cupcake fiasco in that-”

“My sister! That big old meanie took her! He stole my sister from me, Dashie!”

“Wait, what? But your sisters never came here with us?”

“No no no, not Maud, Marble, or Limestone, my other sister. She always takes over when I get really sad or when I need help facing a big old meanie!”

“Wait wait wait wait, you mean to tell me that whenever your mane drops and your fur gets darker, that’s your sister?! I always thought it was just your thing when you get sad or angry.”

“No Dash, she’s her own pony. It’s a little complicated to explain right now. She’s just been sleeping inside of me since we found a world that we could live peacefully in.”

“Ok, Pinkie… you’re not making any sense here. What do you mean by you two finding a peaceful world? Haven’t you always been from Ponyville?”

“Yes… but not your Ponyville. Dashie… there’s so much that I have to tell you and the others but can you Pinkie Promise to keep this a secret for now?”

“I mean, sure, I can do that for you. But I think everypony else should hear this too. Look, I’ll keep my muzzle shut about it but I want you to promise me that you’ll eventually tell the others.”

“Weeeeell? You know what to do, Dashie.”

“Oook, cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

“Thank you so much, Dashie.” Pinkie Pie says as she then drags Rainbow Dash into a hug. “I’m so sorry…”

“Hey, what did I just tell you? None of that was your fault so stop it, quit beating yourself up about it. You’re still my favorite party pony and that hasn’t changed one bit.”

“Oh, thank you so- WAIT!”

Rainbow Dash winces from her sudden exclamation as she rubs her ears and says:

“Can you warn me before you scream my ears off?”

“It’s that big meanie who took my sister! I almost forgot about him!”

“Slow down and relax, Pinkie. Do you know his name?”

“Y-yes… he’s so scary, Dashie. When he showed up I could feel just how bad he was. I could see his evil literally pour out of him. It was so scary…” Pinkie Pie says as she literally shakes just from the memory of that entity.

“Pinkie, what was this jerk’s name?” Rainbow inquires as she drapes a wing over her friend in an effort to comfort the pink pony.

“His name is… Yharim.”

Rainbow Dash's eyes were widened in horror at the very mention of that name, the same one that Terralestia and Sai Sahan had warn them about.

In the downstairs portion of Candy Cane Corner, Twilight, Starlight, Gorglock, Tanner, and Tempest had just returned from the meteor via Rarity’s Ice Mirror. In addition, everyone in Home Town, aside from Ceeman The Arms Dealer and Celebes The Dryad, were currently enjoying their dinner as it was starting to become nightfall. Lucan The Merchant was currently acting as the main cook as he and Pinkie Pie came to an agreement. Simply put, he’d take over for her whenever they leave Home Town for their adventures or when she wasn’t feeling too well.

Many tables were filled with various individuals who were enjoying their meal in peace. One table in particular held all of the remaining ponies in addition to their recent visitor: Tempest Shadow.

Twilight took the initiative to tell them all about what happened with the meteor.

“Ah’ be darned, that sounds awful. How in the hay could a bunch of meteor monsters be born in the first place?” Applejack questions in disbelief.

“Your guess is as good as ours. Not even Tanner knew anything about them and he’s seen his fair share of meteorites before.” Twilight responds. Upon hearing this, Tempest says to herself internally:

-That still doesn’t sit right with me, he should’ve known about those creatures.-

The terrarian then glances towards The Guide who was on a nearby table enjoying his meal with The Demolitionist and The Nurse.



“Terraria to Tempest?”



Finally, Tempest was brought back to the living world as she finally comprehends the words that were calling out to her. She turns her head towards a group of ponies, who she was literally sitting with, as she somehow forgot they even existed as she was lost in her thoughts.

“Oh, um, sorry about that.” Tempest replies with a chuckle. “Just got lost in my thoughts there.”

“No kidding, we’ve been trying to get your attention for almost a whole minute.” Starlight replies.

“You ok there, partner?” Applejack inquires.

“I’m fine, thanks. Just thinking a lot is all.” Tempest clears her throat before she continues: “So, Rarity, what can you tell me about Magius’s whereabouts?”

“Well you see, darling. It all started when I was captured by that foul brute: Skeletron.”


Steven The Clothier was preparing for the night as he took a moment to meditate in order to speak to his other self.

“Soon, Skeletron, very soon they will come to stop you.”

“They need to hurry it up, I’m starting to get bored here.”

“So eager to meet your end, huh? And don’t think that I don’t know about your little plot with Tanner, that traitorous bastard!”

“Tanner is the least of your concerns, Steven. As much as I hate to admit it, there are beings from The Underworld who dwarf even my powers. I’m a flea in comparison to Lord Legion’s strength.”

“I heard everything you and Tanner talked about. However, I’m curious about that… you know that I can hear everything even when you take over, right? It’s the exact same thing when I’m in charge, you can still hear and see everything through me.”

“Oh no no, that was another guy. His name is: sh*t Sherlock, first name’s: No.”

“I don’t have time for your snark remarks, Skeletron. Why did you willfully allow me to hear all of that stuff with Tanner?”

Skeletron chuckles to himself for a moment before saying:



“You are my insurance policy. Think of it this way, if by some miracle I do fall in battle then the binding to The Dungeon will be destroyed and you will be free to leave with those ponies. I’ll be honest with you, I hate Lord Legion. I hate anyone who possesses more power than myself so if your pony friends can truly stop me… I want them to kill The Wall Of Flesh. I want you to expose Tanner so they can chase him down to The Underworld and face both of those overconfident fools.”

“You’re one to talk, bone head.”

“Heh, true… but it’s only ok when I do it.”

“Wow… you’re truly full of yourself, you know that?”

“Please, there’s nothing wrong with recognizing one’s own greatness. By the way, Steven… Do you even remember who it was that binds us here?”

“Of course I do, It was that mage from seven years ago.”

“Yes, but do you remember his name?”

“I… I don’t… what’s happening to me? I feel like I should remember their name but I just… can’t.”

Skeletron starts to laugh uncontrollably as a result which causes The Clothier to exclaim:

“What the hell did you do to me?!”

“That’s the beauty of all this, I didn’t do that to you. You’re forgetting about your dear old friend but it’s so much more than that. Thanks to you, I now have confirmation of something that I’ve suspected for a while.”

“What?! Tell me what you know! What was this mage’s name?!”

“Nope, not going to tell you that. Sorry, but not sorry. As for what I know… the longer you and I remain sealed together, the more your memories slowly start to disappear. I suspect that in due time, you’d even forget about Rarity.”

“No! I could never forget about her or any of those ponies who’ve sworn to help me!”

“And yet, you forgot about… him.”

“Damn you, Skeletron! Who is that?!”

“Maybe I can help?” A new voice interjects as a portal starts to open up as a result. A large bipedal entity donned in unknown armor now stood before The Clothier, and by extension, Skeletron. In addition, this being was accompanied by… a pony?

“Who… who are you two? How can you both be here?! The Dungeon Guardian should’ve-”

“The guardian is dead. It was rather rude to me and my pony friend here so I had to remove it. Don’t worry, you can just ask your skele friend in there to make another one.” The new entity interjects.

“Steven… this being… his power is even greater than my own! Not just that… it’s even greater than Lord Legion’s!” Skeletron roars out from within as the skeleton entity assesses their new visitor.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been here. Wouldn’t you agree, Steven?” The entity questions.

“Who are you?” The Clothier inquires.

“My name is: Yharim. The pony next to me is my latest puppet: Pinkamena. I’m also an associate of an old friend of yours. Tell me, do you remember: Lunaris?”

“Lunaris? Who’s that? Wait… is that who I forgot?”

“Steven! Get away from this being, now!” Skeletron roars out in what The Clothier couldn’t believe to be… fear.

“What are you talking about, Skeletron?”

“For the first time in your useless life, listen to me! Get away from him!”

“I’m going to cut to the chase, Steven.” Yharim says as he takes a few steps closer.

As this is going on, Skeletron is literally shouting from within Steven’s mind:

“Get away from him! Run Steven! His power is too great! Ruuuuuun! He plans to do something to us! Run! Listen to me you stupid old fool and ruuuun!”

The Clothier, for the first time ever since he became bonded to Skeletron, actually agreed with his foe. This Yharim entity was sending a cold chill down his spine. Steven did indeed try to run, however, an invisible force stopped him dead in his tracks.

“Here’s the thing, I need to speed things up a bit.” Yharim comments as he draws closer to Steven. “Things aren’t progressing as fast as I’d like so I need you to hurry up and face those ponies, capisce?”

“What are you planning?! Wh-what are you doing to me?!”

“Not exactly you, Steven. I’m more interested in skelly boy you’ve got stored within you.” Yharim then turns to Pinkamena and says: “Oh Mena, come here a second.”

“What is it?” Pinkamena inquires annoyingly.

“I’ve just gotten a great idea and it’s the perfect opportunity for you to prove to me your loyalty.”

Pinkamena could only shudder at the thought. She had learned one thing about him in her forced servitude. Whenever Yharim comes up with a so-called ‘Great idea’, it never ends well for those involved, aside from himself. She swallows a lump in her throat and replies:

“W-what do I have to do?”

“To secure your sister’s safety, I want you to be the new vessel for Skeletron. You'll also be attacking Home Town with your new undead army from this dungeon.”

Anger filled the park pink pony as she exclaims:

"How the buck does that protect my sister?! She'll be caught up in all of that!"

"Oh stop whining like a baby. You and Skeletron will share the same powers. While both of you are attacking that town, I guess you'd better make sure that your sister isn't killed in the process, eh?"

The dark pink pony simply growls in response as she then says:

"Why are you doing this to me?! Why not just try to mind-control me already?!

"My little pony, It's because I don't need to control your mind. Threatening your sister both brings me pleasure and assures your allegiance. Oh and if you get any funny ideas while you and Skelly attack Home Town, your sister is dead." Yharim then conjures what seemed to be a ball of pink energy and floats it within his palms, presenting it to Pinkamena.

"What is that? It feels so... familiar." Pinkamena inquires.

"Your sister's life force." Yharim then chuckles as he sees the pony's eyes widen in realization. "I did more than simply separate the two of you. A little trick that I've learned from The Underworld, when those who tried to destroy me and Yharon tossed us into that fiery abyss."

Yharim then extends a hand towards Steven, who was still trying to struggle against Yharim's invisible force, as he places a hand onto The Clothier and says:

"You should be happy, Steven. I'm giving you what you always wanted. As for you, Skeletron... you're mine now."

Me: "Man, Yharim... can you stop causing trouble for just a few moments?"

Yharim: "Yeah, sure."

Me: "Woah woah! you actually responded? Also, really?"

Yharim: "Pfft, no. This is literally how my character acts in the lore and I'm sure your audience would agree. So keep writing, Pomp Neigh."

Me: "Ok..."

Pinkamena: "Oi, Yharim, the fourth wall is already at risk with me, my sister, and Discord. Not to mention-"

Candy The Party Girl: "Oooh, hello Pomp Neigh! I'm so happy that you took the time to write this! I always wanted to meet the pony that I was based off of and now I have the chance to!"

Pinkamena: "Oh Celestia damnit... you're here too..."

Me: "Will all of you please get back into the story? The Author's Note is meant for the ponies inventories and to inform the fans of anything else. Not for us to break the fourth wall.

Yharim: "You're the one who interacted with me first... just scroll up and you'll see that..."

Me: "I honestly didn't expect you, any of you, to respond..."

Yharim, Pinkamena, Candy The Party Girl: "Fine, fair enough. By the way, you should probably tell everyone what's going to happen tomorrow."

Me: "R-right... well ladies and gents... tomorrow I'll be releasing that Author's Note that will give you everything you need to know about your OC characters joining the story. Now that the fourth wall's been broken... I think I need to go lye down..."

Pinkamena: "Psst, Pomp Neigh isn't here but don't forget to check out my side story: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/487126/calamitous-adventures ."

Yharim: "Pinkamena! Get your flank over her now! We're leaving! Unless you want me to go kill your sister!"

Pinkamena: "Shut up, Yharim! I bucking know!"

Pinkamena: "I can't wait for the day Pomp Neigh let's us fight and kill you."

Yharim: "What was that?!"

Pinkamena: "Nothing... your depression is making you hear things."

As the trio takes their leave, Pinkamena turns around and winks to you as she says:

"Enjoy the story, everyone. Now if you'll excuse, I have to go back to the hideout with Yharim. And pretend to actually like it..."

Candy The Party Girl: "Can I go with you?"

Pinkamena: "You're not meant to leave your cell in The Dungeon yet. Maybe one day Pomp Neigh will let us meet each other in the story but you'll definitely see my sis before that."

Candy The Party Girl: "Oh, ok! Let's get going then!"

Next Chapter: Chapter 74 - "Get Everyone."Estimated time remaining: 10 Hours, 10 Minutes
Terraria: Friendship Is Magic - FiMFetch.net (2024)


What is magic mirror Terraria? ›

As mentioned earlier, the Magic Mirror in Terraria is a usable item that returns the user to the set spawn point. The item also doesn't disappear after using it, making it more valuable than the Recall Potion despite having the same function.

Is there any Magic in Terraria? ›

Spells are magical items the player can use, they require mana to be used, and deal damage. Most Spells do damage, with the exception of the Magic Mirror, Rod of Discord, Dirt Rod, Fairy Bell, Crimson Heart and Shadow Orb (Spell). The best Prefix for most spells is "Mythical".

How rare is Magic Mirror? ›

Nora Moriarty talks about the magic discovery in the Putnam film. “These types of mirrors are very, very rare,” Moriarty said, noting the only other ones like it in the nation are at the Cincinnati Art Museum and Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. There are about 24 around the world, she said.

What is the advantage of Magic Mirror? ›

Magic mirrors serve as a perfect bridge between online and physical realms. They provide a seamless, interactive experience, allowing customers to try on clothes virtually, view digital signage, and even see how makeup products look on their faces.

What is the rarest Terraria? ›

There are 2 very rare items in Terraria:
  • The slime staff. A 1 in 10000 drop from any slimes. Is probably the weakest minion you can summon. ...
  • The dryad banner. The dryad is a extremely rare enemy that spawns in the cavern layer.
Feb 16, 2023

Who is the god in Terraria? ›

*The Torch God is the only true God of Terraria! All hail the unseen deity of infernal flames!

How does magic mirror work? ›

When sunlight or other bright light shines onto the mirror, the mirror appears to become transparent. If that light is reflected from the mirror onto a wall, the pattern on the back of the mirror is then projected onto the wall.

Who uses the Magic Mirror? ›

The Evil Queen holds ownership of the mirror, and primarily exploits its power to ensure that she remains the fairest in the land. The spirit contained in the Magic Mirror was the Queen's familiar demon.

What does the magic carpet do in Terraria? ›

Using the Flying Carpet allows the player to very quickly ascend single-block slopes and staircases. It can be used together with Shoe Spikes or Climbing Claws to imitate the Tiger Climbing Gear's ability to remain at a fixed height on a wall, albeit rather briefly.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.