Wow Holy Paladin Caster Build (2025)

1. Best Holy Paladin Talent Tree Builds - The War Within 11.0.2 - Wowhead

  • Talent Import Codes · Raid Talent Builds

  • Find the best talents for your Holy Paladin in WoW The War Within Pick your ideal talent tree and export directly to the game!

2. Holy Paladin Healing Spec, Builds, and Talents - The War Within ...

  • Find out the best talent builds for Raid, Mythic+ and PvP for Holy Paladin in WoW The War Within (Season 1).

3. 'Caster' Hpal viable? - Paladin - World of Warcraft Forums

  • More results from

  • Hi Paladins! I quit the game in Legion when they turned Holy Paladin into a “melee healer” spec of sorts. I really hate the playstyle and theme of a melee healer. I tried again in SL, but it felt like the quasi “melee healer” theme was still our thing, so i quit again. Fast forward to now… I’d like the give DF a shot and dust off my old hpala main. Did they give us back our caster healer spec, or are we still forced to play a melee healer to be viable? Just want to see if it’s worth picking up ...

4. Method Holy Paladin Guide - Talents - The War Within 11.0.2

5. Why on earth are we shifting back to caster paladin? - Blizzard Forums

  • Jul 4, 2023 · Because being in melee sucks, relying on HP for everything sucks, moving towards a traditional caster is 100% better.

  • Genuinely struggling to understand why FoL ought to be healing for more than WoG.

6. Holy Paladin - a new healer's plea for knowledge and changes!

  • Mar 31, 2024 · Build diversity, throughput builds SHOULD be caster centric but the spot healing and utility builds in my opinion should lean into that ...

  • Greetings, I recognise there are already a lot of threads talking about this, which says something really, but here we are. We need these threads. Before we get started, I want to be clear, I am not upset or angry and quite frankly it is a game. A game I love but a game all the same, if you’re not enjoying it just stop playing, please. You can always come back when the game is more to your liking and guess what, the community will have you back but being crude, cruel, rude or toxic? Nah that a...

7. Build - Wings Is Up | An Interactive Mythic+ Guide for Holy Paladins

  • A Holy Paladin guide for raid and mythic+ content in World of Warcraft. This guide covers everything you need to know for healing in dungeons and raid as a ...

  • A Holy paladin guide for raid and mythic+ content in World of Warcraft. Everything from rotation and stat weights to boss and dungeon specific holy paladin advice.

8. Struggling as Holy Paladin in Raid - Blizzard Forums

  • Dec 22, 2022 · I am running a standard caster build from Wowhead. I really struggle in terms of Hps versus other classes with my output being around 22K in average in boss ...

  • This is the second week I am running Vault of the Incarnates as Holy Pala and last night I finally managed to clear it. My item level is 376 and I am running a standard caster build from Wowhead. I really struggle in terms of Hps versus other classes with my output being around 22K in average in boss fights. Most of the bosses have a lot of movement, people are spread around and I find it difficult to be really useful. Do others have the same challenge? If not, is there any good guide on Raid...

9. Holy Paladin Best Builds - The War Within 11.0.0 - U GG

  • Holy Paladin with U.GG best data for every build. The best meta Holy Paladin builds by talent popularity in The War Within 11.0.0 for Mythic+.

10. Holy Paladin Raid Build | Archon

  • This is the most recommended Holy Paladin talent build for Mythic Raid on All Bosses. Our recommendation is based on the popularity of the Spec Tree.

  • The most popular Holy Paladin Talents, Stats, Gear, Trinkets, Enchants, Gems, and Consumables. Everything you need in a WoW Holy Paladin build, data-driven and updated daily for Nerub-ar Palace in The War Within 11.0.

11. Holy Paladin PvE Guide For Mythic+ -

  • Specialization Talents · Holy Shock · Extrication · Light of Dawn · Light's Conviction · Aura Mastery · Beacon of the Lightbringer · Tower of Radiance · Tirion's ...

  • Optimize your Holy Paladin for Mythic+ in WoW. Discover the best stats, races, talents, gear, embellishments, enchantments, and gems for Patch 11.0.

12. Holy Paladin The War Within 11.0.2 Guide - Method

  • Aug 19, 2024 · Holy paladin is an ever versatile spec with a wide range of utility spells such as stun, interrupt, immunity, freedom and damage reduction, ...

  • Learn about the Holy Paladin Rotation, Openers, Talents, Gearing and best Stats with our guide for The War Within, Patch 11.0.2, written by Joki.

Wow Holy Paladin Caster Build (2025)


Is ranged Holy Paladin viable? ›

Yes, paladins can do decent damage for a healer, this is usually at the expense of healing by using Avenging Wrath, Daybreak, and Divine Toll for damage as opposed to healing. You can do a decent amount of damage this way, but it may not always be the best choice in many scenarios as a healer.

What is the best profession for a Holy Paladin? ›

Table of Contents
  • Best Holy Paladin Professions. Tailoring. Jewelcrafting.
  • Alternative Holy Paladin Professions. Blacksmithing.
May 28, 2024

Should I use divine toll before or after daybreak? ›

While it seems like the best use of Daybreak would be BEFORE Divine Toll so your Glimmer damage/healing is maximized with the triple Holy Shock glimmer procs from Rising Sunlight, remember that Divine Toll randomly applies Holy Shocks so it's almost always better to use daybreak AFTER Divine Toll so you can clear the ...

Is Holy Paladin any good? ›

Regardless of whether you prefer Mythic+, Arena, or even raiding, Holy Paladin will be one of the strongest healers.

What are the cons of Holy Paladin? ›

It has excellent throughput for almost any healing situation in dungeons, many defensive tools, multiple cooldowns for emergencies, and good damage for a healer. Holy Paladin weaknesses in Mythic+ include low mobility, lack of a standard interrupt, and limited options for crowd control.

Is Holy Paladin a reactive healer? ›

Holy Paladins are typical reactive healers. Unlike proactive healers who rely on set rotations and preemptive “ramps” to build up healing before damage occurs, we respond directly to damage as it happens. This is mainly achieved through powerful spot heals like Holy Shock and Word of Glory.

What is the best god for a Paladin? ›

Torm and Tyr are both popular deities for paladins, as is Ilmater, who stresses self-sacrifice and the alleviation of suffering.

What is the daybreak spell for Paladins? ›

Daybreak is a passive specialization ability for Holy paladins, available at level 56. It causes paladin's [Holy Radiance] to make the next [Holy Shock] also heal other allies near the target.

What does Daybreak do in WoW? ›

Absorb your active Glimmer of Lights, triggering their effects at 200% value and granting 2000 Mana per Glimmer of Light consumed.

What is the divine toll holy? ›

Divine Toll is a cooldown ability that unleashes 5 replications of a primary ability to allies or enemies within 30 yards. The primary ability that is replicated onto 5 targets for each specialization are as follows: Holy - Holy Shock.

What is the best Holy Paladin profession? ›

Best Professions for Classic Holy Paladins

Most professions can help you make gold in some way, but gathering professions such as Mining, Herbalism, and Skinning are always great choices.

Is mastery or versatility better for holy paladins? ›

Versatility takes precedence over mastery in M+ as not only will it increase your damage and healing but also provide you with damage reduction.

What is the most powerful paladin subclass? ›

Devotion paladins are an excellent balance of offense and defense, and one of the strongest subclasses available in DnD.

What is the maximum effective range of a Paladin? ›

It is armed with the M284 155 mm/L39 howitzer, fitted with a semi-automatic loading system. The maximum range of fire is 24 km with standard projectiles and 30 km with rocket-assisted projectiles. The maximum rate of fire is 4 rounds per minute.

What is the best Paladin race holy? ›

With Blood Elf currently being the top race for Holy Paladins in Mythic+, here are the other races that also stand out due to their advantageous traits:
  • Dark Iron Dwarf. ...
  • Earthen.

Does holy weapon work on ranged weapons? ›

Holy Weapon, as its name implies, can only enhance attacks that are considered to be made with weapons. These are Melee- and Counter Attacks, Ranged Missile Attacks, and Ranged Boulder Attacks. The spell does not affect Ranged Magical Attacks, Breath Attacks, Gaze Attacks, and Spell- or Special Damage of any kind.

Is mastery or versatility better for holy Paladins? ›

Versatility takes precedence over mastery in M+ as not only will it increase your damage and healing but also provide you with damage reduction.

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.